Island DNA

I am an adopted child so until my children were born I knew no blood relatives. I got real lucky with my children. Where I am wild and carefree, my children are quiet, focused and more reserved.

THEN I met my granddaughter! She is me....

Half of the time my daughter is at her wits end! "How DID this happen?" she says.

She is four, passionate about animals, and just LOVES the ocean. At 4, National Geographic is her favorite TV channel.

In this picture that dark shape in the water is a wild and free turtle swimming around my granddaughter.

She says she is from Boston, but I think her DNA says.....

She is an island gal........


Makes no diff if there is no blood that one shares w/their grandchild.. A strong, confident personality resonates in you... Kids are like sponges, they admire people who have confidence, at least that is what I see in the kids I use to help teach.. Makes them feel they can do what they may fear to do/say....I think its awesome that u have a
You must really be so proud of her. The turtle swimming around her must be a sure sign of what awaits her one day.
Nancy said…
Oh yeah, she's an island gal, just like her grandmother.
Crazyfox said…
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Crazyfox said…
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Crazyfox said…
For sure..........
Over here they say that grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your own children (lol) so go ahead and enjoy your medal granddaughter. She will bring you much fun and happiness in future.
Leilani Tresise said…
Thank you guys! its so fabulous to finally have blood relatives! LOL.. I wonder where she will live one day?

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