Strong Stormy Wind.
I just want to stop.... and take the time to thank this planet and her creatures
for the joy they bring to me.
In the past couple of weeks i have felt the presence of a strong stormy wind getting ready to blow into my life...
And sure enough... whoooshhhhh it was here in the form of a former close friend who is addicted to drugs.
Drug addiction is worse than death, and i have 0000 tolerance for it. I gave this person 2 days of my time, speaking EVERY moment on them reentering rehab. Its all i will give. No more.
Saying a permanent goodbye is never easy. But I donot allow such ugliness into my life.
I have the dolphins to thank for that. They taught me to LOVE myself. The planet around me has taught me the LOVE of great beauty.
Drug addiction is ugly, it should not ever be tolerated on a planet of such beauty.
I mean to offend noone, this is just MY .02 cents.
I am an island gal.....
Please have a good new week.
daily athens
Often, telling them you will have nothing to do with them until they have been clean and sober for a period of time is the best way to help them. I know. I was one of those ugly, ugly people.