
We had a clear day on the island of Oahu a couple days ago.

For most of the last 2 weeks VOG(volcanic smoke) has covered our island.. I took this picture from my sons workplace..

There should be a mountain range in the background of this picture... there isn't.. it is covered in VOG..

The waters of the Bay were calm on this day. Soon summer will be here!

Finally yesterday i was able to get in the water out west!

One of the divers said he thought the dolphins had a mass exodus! Not one in sight!

Winter in Hawaii... cloudy days, voggy days, rough water, no dolphins, sigh.. poor turtles feel down right miserable!! LOLOL

I am an island gal......


Hi Leilani, where does the VOG come from. It sounds exciting and dangerous to me to have VOG surrounding you. Will you be okay?
Leilani Tresise said…
A Human .. For about 30 years now the volcano on the Big island of Hawaii(thats the youngest island in our chain) has been erupting. My friend Sparky has a wonderful daily blog on it!

The Hawaiians call the volcano Pele. Several years ago a new vent opened up that spews sulfur smoke all the time! when the winds change we here on the island of Oahu get covered!
I would love to see a smoking or erupting volcano one day. It must be something else. But living with that VOG hanging in the air must be an awefull pain as well. You say summer will come soon. You know that means we will get winter again. But not for another couple of months. Feb is out hottest month while March and April is still to follow.
Crazyfox said…
Snorkeling on the West side where the picture was taken was my favorite spot. There is also a small "cave" to the left where the bank fell over...
Barry said…
I was just reading about VOG on my friend Sandra's blog, she's over on vacation. And looking for blue skies.
Anonymous said…
These could also be "clouds on foot" - taking a walk here upon earth to see what life is up to - remain reasured, that they will lift away what's grey.
Please have a nice colourfilled Tuesday.
Leilani Tresise said…
Dave .. when the water calm im gonna look for that cave! You were probably closer to a dolphin that you ever Knew!!
Leilani Tresise said…
OMGosh Barry! that would be the pits! spending money to get here and there are no blue skies!!
Leilani Tresise said…
WOW FIRE febuary here is our rainest month! we are complete opposites in weather!
Leilani Tresise said…
OH i like that Robert! There is a reason for ALL things!

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