Oceans Kindness

I woke up Sat the 16th to another blue beautiful day! I headed west..
I got in the water and just started swimming..my back muscles were stiff, the winter water keeps me out of the water more than usual and my body is complaining.

I look up and see dorsal fins headed my way..
I hadn't heard any dolphin sounds.."don't panic lani, don't panic!"

As if hearing my heart beat faster a dolphin pops up right in front of me turns and starts smacking his tail on the water...
It was clearly a warning to me saying," Watch it!" I look to shore and realize I am way way out.. too far out.

I start talking thru my snorkel" WHOAA I'm too far out here, huh? I gotta swim ALL the way back!"
I took several pictures, said "BYE, see you guys!" and headed back in.

I wanted to stay and play..
Three dolphins had a yellow plastic bag they were swimming back and forth with. I wanted that bag! I so dislike seeing dolphins play with our trash!
But i knew if i got tired i wouldn't make it back to shore..
I turned and started swimming....
Almost to shore a turtle swims right up to me and swims along for awhile, now i have never had an ocean creature offer me a ride so i just kept singing and swimming!

When I got to shore I turned and stared at the beautiful ocean. I had made it back in safe and sound, and surprisingly i wasn't tired!
As i stood there looking at her blue, i felt deep down inside of me that I had just experienced Oceans kindness.
I am an island gal...
BTW I have a rule to Never touch sea creatures (I was upset after kicking the 12 foot tiger shark which bit me fifteen years ago), but I've been dreaming recently of a whale coming up under me so that I end up on its back. Hey, maybe I could get a ride back to shore...
DON u need to blog that tiger experience please! OMG! u wanna hear something weird? one day while reading ur blog i thought "what if a whale comes up under don?" I know touching a wild creature for my pleasure is something i dont do either. I am sooo curious about ur Tiger shark experience!
Please have a wonderful Friday.
p.s.: Thank you also for sharing such beautiful photography.