Turned Wicked!

By the time I got to Sunset Beach on my beloved North Shore on Monday, the days event was over!
It was Day 2 of the XCEL PRO SURF meet.

THANK GOODNESS for video... this was taken by one of the event photographers. As you can see my beloved North Shore has turned wicked!!



Well i was down the road a bit, colliding with turtles! LOL, I should of KNOWN better then get in the water on a day like this! Turtles don't seem to be bothered by the rough water. They float around happy as can be, meanwhile this human spent her time in the water upside down! LOLOL

I am an island gal.......


Barry said…
The video is spectacular! I've never surfed but it sure looks like fun; although I imagine few surfers get to this level of skill.
Leilani Tresise said…
Barry it is fun to watch them! They appear to be fearless! LOL=0)
Jo said…
I have been to the North Shore and I have pictures of myself right at that beach. But the water was really rough, so I just stayed on the shore and watched the surfers. Omigosh...! Brave souls!

I love coming to your blog. It's like a mini-vacation. :-)

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