
Sat. November 21st..

Oh Lord, I hope i don't confuse you with today's blog.

The West side of the island is considered the home of the dolphins.

Boat after Boat filled with visitors makes the trip from Honolulu to the west side bringing with them hundreds in life vests who jump in the water over the top of a pod of dolphins in hopes of being able to swim with the dolphins.

The perfect place it seems is a place called KAHE POINT or electric beach to the locals named for the BIG electric plant that sits on shore.

I NEVER swam with dolphins on the west side before. The pictures I have taken of dolphins have all come from my beloved North Shore.

So after watching these boats for 2 weeks now I thought well.. its crowded but the dolphins were there and Id really like some dolphin pictures! SO in I go.....

I tread water for a total of 4 HOURS, i got out twice, swam around alot but NOT one dolphin would get near me. I had watched from shore the dolphins tease these boats swimming back and forth, to and from and now I being in the water among the boats, I was part of that game.

I was devastated! no song i sang , no call i made brought the dolphins to me. After 4 hours i crawled out of the water dejected and just plain sad!

It wasn't until i got home and sat my despondent self down in from of my computer that i realized i HAD gotten beautiful turtle pictures. I was sooo focused on the dolphins I had FAILED to really see all the OTHER beauty that was in front of me. I had snapped pictures of the turtles as an after thought and the Ocean said" HEEYYYY LANI are you looking at all the OTHER beauty?"

I hadnt .. and I was humbled as ONLY the OCEAN can humble!

I am an island gal......


I do love your new turtle photos, especially the big one at the very top of your page. I agree, it is way too easy for me to get greedy and want to see something special - but special is already there, I just have to recognize it.
Leilani Tresise said…
OH DON! you are soooo right! Shame on me=0I
Treading water for 4 hours. You are amazing. It seems that the dolphins are only attracted to the boats out of curiosity and not to the people jumping off.
Leilani Tresise said…
oh shoots Fire . I should of said "for a total of 4 hours!" I got out twice, swam around with turtles and tread in be4tween. Im rather like a seal bobbing around =)

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