A Humbled Island Gal
November 22 Sun...
I woke early.. i was going BACK to KAHE Point to tell the Ocean i was sorry for my "dumbness
It wasnt long after I hit the water, this happened.
May I ALWAYS REMEMBER to be a HUMBLED island gal.....
I woke early.. i was going BACK to KAHE Point to tell the Ocean i was sorry for my "dumbness

It wasnt long after I hit the water, this happened.

May I ALWAYS REMEMBER to be a HUMBLED island gal.....
Seems as if everything rare searches for anything alike.
A wonderful Wednesday.
It looks like it was a peaceful and wonderful encounter.
Don i just learned amajor lesson. Thank you Don! Hey DON ? On Sunday you shot a white dolphin there in Maui. It looks like there is another white dolphin in my pictures taken on Sunday also. maybe mine just looks white, i didnt notice it in the water.