
Showing posts from October, 2009


I know I love each one of my fellow bloggers. How do i know? WELL......... I did something today i would of never done if not for the love of my blogger friends. I entered the WATERS of WAKIKI Beach! LOL .. Waikiki is the extreme opposite of the North Shore that I call home. I was definitely a fish out of Water. A country bumpkin in the middle of people chaos, but I thought pictures of Waikiki Beach would be nice. I am glad I went early in the morning. The beach was nearly empty and there was a moment in the water that I looked over at Diamond Head and was SOOO glad I came ! I am an island gal.......

A HUI HOU KAKOU (ah who e ho kah ko )

My friends lOVE this picture.Some of them have lived their whole lives here on Oahu and they STILL ask me, "WHERE IS THIS CAVE AT WAIMEA BAY?" IT HIDES most of the year! LOL..... I found myself swimming past the cave on monday and smiling. I gave it an "A Hui Hou Kakou" or in english, 'Until we Meet Again" grin and off I swam ! The cave is an awesome example of Mother Nature and Father Time ! I am an island gal......

Turtle Beach

A beach on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaiian name Laniakea.Most commonly called Turtle Beach by Oahus visitors. I hadn't stopped there in years. We used to shore cast big fishing poles from the shoreline. I stopped on Sunday. Hundreds of visitors stop here to see the Green Sea Turtles who live on the shoreline. The abundance of seaweed in the area and a safe haven from sharks, it is a perfect place for the turtle. Right off the bat I get down to the shoreline and there is a turtle laying on the beach. There is a group of people on the beach who set up a tent and sit here all day making sure the turtles stay safe. They have the turtle roped off and a name plague stuck in the sand.. This turtles name is "WOOLEY BULLY". What a character. He is using a rock as a head rest and I get the feeling this particular rock is labeled "Wooley Bully's Rock" I walked over to the tent and ask the Turtle Beach volunteers if I can go into the water. They said, "sure"...

Saturday Sand Surfing

Saturday mornings im up Early.. ALWAYS.. MY DAY OFF... on my joyous way down to the North Shore i looked over at the pineapple fields and saw they were having a rainbow party! I thought with all the rain clouds in the sky, the river would be running into the Bay but it was a beautiful morning there! A sport that was popular when i was young is making a comeback. Sand Surfing.When i got to the Bay, three kids were taking advantage of the nearly deserted shoreline. They throw their shield- shaped wooden board down on the wet sand, jump onto it, glide across the wet sand to meet with an incoming wave which then rockets the board and them up onto the top of the wave. This young man was good. He spent alot of time riding the crest of the waves. There were also times the wave would throw him high into the air and his landings did not look like fun! It takes talent, timing and strong bones and alot of practice to sand surf. Its good to see the kids of Hawaii starting to once again, Sand Surf...

Almost Summer

It was beautiful yesterday on the North Shore! It was almost like summer! The dolphins even made an appearance but they stayed WAY OUT THERE and since a shark came up out of the water 3 years ago with a dolphin in his mouth I DONT swim OUT THERE anymore =0I. There were alot of turtles, so i swam with them trying to hide my forlorn feelings of not being in the midst of the dolphins. This little turtle i'm gonna name SPEED RACER.. trying to keep up with him was a real challenge! This is the turtle, i'm almost positive, that i slapped on the head to prevent him from eating a bandaide. See the way hes looking at me? LOL .. This turtle has a small growth starting on his eye. I know this will probably get bigger and bigger.. sigh... God Bless all the animals on this beautiful planet! I am an island gal....

Beautiful Sunday

Rainbows out in full force on the North Shore this morning! The water was really calm today. It took awhile for the sun to come out in full force and I got cold swimming. Once I get cold it is really hard to warm back up even in the sun. The Ocean cold goes straight to the bone but... ..Those rainbows gave way to a BEAUTIFUL Sunday! Cold or Warm... I am an island gal... =0)

Some Things Change , Some Things Dont.

I noticed this weekend that the color of the water is changing from a blue to a light green. Maybe its because the winter water is cooler. I only noticed this in the photos, to my naked eye the water looks the same. It gives me a little clue to why maybe the dolphins do not come into the bay after Sept. Beach dogs always amaze me. Friendly and out going they love children. This dog needed to pass some time while his owners swam laps in the bay. I watched as he picked up a stick walked over to this little gal, and dropped it in front of her. DID HE KNOW before he dropped it she was gonna pick it up and throw it? Some things dont change..... A Dog and A Child..

NO Mercy

Akio and I made a trip out to the very Northern tip of the island this weekend. The Ocean out here is like the wild wild west of the sea! It is the beginning of winter water and Akio and I were BOTH nearly taken around the island on the strong ocean current! The ocean was going to show us NO mercy at all =0I We both had to get out and be content with staring at Nature in one of its finest forms! If you are coming to Oahu and want Quiet this is the place to be ! The Turtle Bay Hilton and Resort is the ONLY hotel out here and it is the complete opposite of Waikiki! The beauty out here is breathtaking! The turtles love the area thats where the hotel got its name. This week end it was the turtles who were the lucky ones! They dont seem to mind the insane shorebreak! I am an island gal......

Darkness and Light

There is a  man here on the island that comes to the Bay everyday for  a swim. It is his exercise,his workout ,his routine.  He is built like a runner, not an ounce of fat on his body.  He drives into the parking lot , parks his car, dons his wetsuit and off he goes. He has been coming to the bay for years and those of us who frequent the bay recognize him. Kids recognize him too.  Once  after he completed his morning swim he gathered some high school  kids together and had them dig  open the river bank . He said it needed to be done and so after about 45 minutes the river was running into the ocean and within 10 minutes the  whole bay was filled with muddy, muddy, filthy water. Now usually mother nature takes care of the union between the river and the ocean and she does it quickly and beautifully. BUT for some reason this man decided he needed to do it.  It was a mess.   I started friendly hellos and good morn...