"Where Are YOU?"

I took these 2 pictures Winter 2010..There will be no Winter pictures from 2011 because I still have not replaced my broken camera. After years of walking around with a camera attached to my body I find I miss it terribly! Its a hard adjustment. I plan on replacing my broken camera in January 2012. Its winter water here in the islands, so this is a really good time to catch up on YEARS of things I have been letting go. You will KNOW the minute I get the next camera..LOL... I miss the Ocean...BUT my daily life is slowly taking on a more organized appearance...I best organize to the maximum..the minute I reattach the camera to my body, I will hit the water running...My animals will think I'm a stranger when I enter the front door, the beauty shop will think I died, my friends will scratch their heads and worry and I will start getting phone calls on my where abouts.... The funniest coming from my adult children,"MOM, WHERE ARE YOU?!" I am an Island Gal.......