Could, Can and Will

My daughter and son in law heard me. While driving I grasped the steering wheel and said," Universe, hi, I would like very much for my granddaughter Malia to see a Hawaiian Monk Seal. They are so endangered by our modern day world, Universe, that if you wait she may never see one. Please...." I kept driving.... When we got to our destination, a beach on the south side of the island of Oahu called White Plains, there was not ONE but TWO Hawaiian Monk Seals basking in the sun. That's them behind my granddaughter. As she ran to get her poppa to tell him the good news, I stood looking at the view...
Diamond Head in the far background, the city of Honolulu rising to meet it, the sea breeze whipping up the top of the waves into a white meringue, that looked good enough to eat, the Hawaiian Monk Seals basking in the sun. Man, woman and child enjoying the sun, sand and sea. I had lived here my whole life and up until 3 years ago, had never ever been to this beach on the south side of the island of Oahu. I had spent almost a life time focusing on what was WRONG with this planet. Never venturing past or beyond my small little world here on the island.

I now live and strive to focus on what is RIGHT with this planet full time, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Mother Nature tops the list of what is RIGHT with this planet. Its amazing how changing your focus, the way you see things, can change the way you live...

It is also a magnificent insight from  Mother Nature  herself, that helps you to understand,that what is WRONG with this planet could, can and will be wiped out in a fraction of a minute and what is RIGHT with this planet could,can and will remain eternal, in all its glory.  

May this island gal... live, love, care for and respect what is RIGHT with this planet.......


BTW, a monk seal was on the beach at Waikiki...(awhile back that is).. the ex-bf told me about it and it also made the news there...
Guess, you have a direct line to someone huh??? :-) lucky you!
You quite obviously have contacts that most others don't have. Over here they are poaching the rhino's so fast that our grandkids may not get the chance to see them alive.
Leilani Tresise said…
Chrissy Im just out there so much I have a good idea where they MAY be... lol Mother Nature does the rest=) Chrissy saw that on the news about Waikiki and the seal, he created quite a show!!

Fire , Thats awful!! God Bless those Rhinos Fire.. omg
Nancy said…
Mother Earth loves you for all the care you provide - so she granted your wish with the monk seals. :-)
Leilani Tresise said…
I love it Nancy!! just love it!

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