All New

After 2 months of agony I am finally moved into my new place.... when i say new, i mean new... floors to and including the ceilings and EVERYTHING in between are new. I would say i got lucky... but as you can see from the sunset view, and the rainbow that plays outside my front door, luck is not a strong enough word... Looks like Mother Nature and the Universe thought it time I had an "All New" place...

I am an extremely grateful Island gal.................


Cloudia said…
so we both moved into new 'rainbow' quarters and are grateful island girls!

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral

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Congrats! Fresh start, good karma...:-)
Congrats on the "new" place. It sure looks like nature is celebrating as well.
Welcome to your new home. I'm sure you will make many happy memories there.
Leilani Tresise said…

Thank you Chrissy, Fire and Don.. I am glad we are ALL still NEIGHBORS! The power of the internet!
Crazyfox65 said…
Looks like God has given you some beautiful scenery from your new place....He does things like that, you know.
Kay said…
Wow! I'm really impressed with your photos! The rainbow shots are very impressive.

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