
Mother Nature at her finest. A full on big time storm during sunrise... The sun and the rain combined with a fierce wind all in a battle to see who was going to win. I was in heaven... taking pictures during a battle of the elements is one of my favorite things to do.

It was quite obvious on my way back home that neither the sun, the wind nor the rain had won....

On this once in a life time day 11-11-11....

It was the patient Rainbows that finally won the battle.... their peaceful presence a mediator between the sun, the wind and the rain....

I am an island gal........


Kay said…
I just had to pop over from Kalei's blog when I noticed your name sounded like you were from Hawaii... Wahiawa, no less. Yae! These are great photos!
Anonymous said…
Unique !
Leilani Tresise said…
Thank you Robert!I like that!
What an amazing storm to end off with such a beautiful rainbow. A unique day indeed and next year on 12/12/12 would be the last such opportunity this century.
Leilani Tresise said…
oo I agree FIRE!! looking forward to it!

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