
Showing posts from August, 2010


Waimea Bay. I call her home. She is an amazing beach. I get great satisfaction and a sense of really doing something good for the Ocean by walking on her beautiful sand, picking up trash left by beach goers. There are now quite a few of us taking care of the trash at Waimea Bay. We all know each other and love keeping Waimea as clean as we can. I try to carry as much rubbish as i can. It saves trips up and down Waimeas long walk up the beach to the grassy park where the rubbish dumpsters are kept. So this weekend I my bathing suit... early in the morning ...was walking along with all this trash... There where two tourists who came early to the beach and only saw me walking with all these bags of rubbish. I hear, " OH! its a HOBO!" I smiled... WHO else carries bags of rubbish? I am an island HOBO gal............

WHEWWWW what a Zoo!

Ive met alot of people at the bay. "Regulars" we call ourselves. Those of us who just love the bay for one reason or the other,and are there every chance we get. We recently have a new "regular" to the Bay. He is an aspiring actor and uses the bay to swim laps. Everyday he is there, back and forth he swims... I really enjoy the camaraderie we all share and that bond showed early Monday morning. As you all know I spend a lot of time at the Bay waiting for the dolphins. All that time has allowed me the privilege of making friends with the turtles that swim in the Bay. I watched in horror Monday morning as a fisherman hooked one of my turtle friends on his fishing line. I saw my turtle friend flaying in the water desperately trying to get free. I went running down the beach yelling "YOU hooked a TURTLE!" I was ready to tackle this fisherman right there, render him senseless. Then I saw another "regular" the aspiring actor throw his goggles and his f...

This Blue

This Blue..... the blue of the sea.... has taught me to be the best i can be... This Blue.... the blue of the sea.... captures all hearts in waves of extasea... This blue .... the blue of the sea... its not just for me.... This Blue.... this blue of the sea..... is made for ALL mankind to see.. As you can see i am NOT a Poet... I am an island gal......

Sets in the West

Sunday I headed to the west side of the island... The beauty on this side of the island of Oahu is breathtaking.... I stayed till sunset... There is something very, very special about watching the sun set in the west....

Turtle Tango

Saturday....above the water it was a beautiful morning!! Sunny, clear... Below the water it was completely different... cloudy.. like in a dream... I have a feeling I'm not the only one who doesn't really like the cloudy water. These turtles were fighting..... biting each other, having a fearsome tango!! They accepted my presence as a referee! whewww ...

Heavenly Scent

The White Ginger in my yard has exploded into blossoms! Ive always thought the smell of white ginger just heavenly! My blogger friend MauiDon-DolphinDude says you can eat the stems!! Thats why i love you guys! I learn something new all the time from each one of you! I am a thankful island gal!.............

Hana Hou

Hana Hou means ONE MORE TIME in Hawaiian... It was with this thought in mind that i swam over to the same spot I had last seen the squid who had left me speechless. Sure enough he was there... he's brown when not upset... He was there with a friend.. He started changing color almost immediately... its really is quite beautiful.. He let me get quite close... then poof he was gone... havent seen him since.... Im glad I went for the Hana Hou (haw nah hoe)..... i am an island gal.....

Open Eyes

Every year between May and July these little black rocks appear underwater on the shoreline of Waimea Bay. These little rocks used to drive me bonkers! If you step on a sharp one while entering the water, it can really hurt. If you get stuck in a little wave these tumbling little black rocks can really pack a wallop. I always considered them a pain in the keester till one day I found this one beautiful shell. Its the shell on the far right of the 5 shell picture =0D The discovery of this one shell got me to swimming the shoreline checking out these little black rocks... Fast forward a couple years... I have now found 3 jars just this size of beautiful shells found right on the shoreline in among these little black rocks. Needless to say, my opinion of these little black rocks has changed drastically. There is amazing beauty to be found among the constant irritations we call life... May my eyes be open to finding that beauty in All places. I am an island gal.....

I Got It!

I get to the Ocean at first light... I love this time of the morning when the ocean meets the sun... As the morning moves on, the Waimea Bay regular swimmers start showing up. This weekend by 8 am Dr. Kit was sitting to the right of me, my friend Nancy to my left.. We arrive separately but always seem to sit together. They join me in a vigil i have kept up for years now... Waiting for the dolphins.. We talk about all kinds of stuff while we sit, each of us swiming or walking the beach when the urge so hits us! LOL... Lately there has been a slight change...... Everytime one of them sees ANYTHING move in the water they start hollering,"Lani, LOOK GET A PICTURE!!" This weekend Nancy my serious friend Nancy, out of the blue in the middle of a sentence hollers, "LANI , A BABY TURTLE!! GET a picture!" I Got it! I am an island gal....