You've heard me agonize over the disappearance of my cat Yeller. There hasn't been a day since he left that i haven't looked for him or missed him. During Yellers short time with us, he had a mini episode with our resident wild cat mama kitty. Out of that episode came an adorable kitten I called Yeller Two or YT for short. Each day i watch as YT becomes the carbon copy of his father Yeller. YTs personality is just like his dads, a mixture of a big and gentle ,not so smart rascal that is so endearing. But there is one tell-tale sign that leaves no doubt, the meow. Now Yeller could hold a meow note for a good 20 seconds. He would open his mouth and let loose a sound that resembled a note on an organ . As long as yellers mouth was open that note would fly though the air with amazing clarity and volume. So it did not surprise me one day as i got out of the car after a long day at work to see YT coming around the side of the house, mouth open, giving me the delightful sound of an organ note. Thats YT in the pictures.