The Silence of the Sunset..

The turtles silently float onto the reef during high tide. They feed on the rich, green limu(seaweed) of the reef. This is the time of year when the limu is at its peak, green, plump. Not a sound goes on but the lapping of the small colorless winter waves. The turtles i sit among silently feast on what they have waited all summer for.

Its a wonderful feeling sitting silent among these gentle, wise creatures... Some of them I see just by their size are 50 to 60 years old... my age...and as the sun sinks into the horizon.... I smile...this could very well be the Garden of Eden, right here, at this moment.

Time moves on with the silent signal of the setting sun. The turtles move once again, silently back, into colorless winter waves. "Thank you my friends, its been a pleasure! A Hui Hou( I'll see you later)"

I am an island gal.......


Thank you for more beautiful photos and for letting us in on the secret wanderings of your turtle friends.
For a moment I imagined myself sitting there with you and enjoying the sight and experience. You truly are fortunate.
Leilani Tresise said…
ur welcome Don! =0D

We here in the islands really are Fire...Although Fire South Africa is equally magnificent.. and u have the animals! fabulous!

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