
Rewind to the 1960s;
I'm a child, outside, having a two way conversation with my cat"Pelekia".
I'm meowing, he's meowing answering me. This conversation is one of many I have with the animals i love so dearly, all animals down to the smallest insect, I am enamoured of.
I hear my Mom talking indoors to my father," Foster, do you hear those CATS? Where is that coming from?" I don't hear my fathers reply, but my little face breaks into a smile. "Poor Mom, she's confused again"

Fast forward to Nov daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter Malia are here on R&R. My daughter calls me from the beach house they are renting. "MOM, I wondered what was with the birds. I went to look.. its YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER on the porch having a two way conversation with a bird in a tree!"

I threw my head back in laughter. Love, it comes in different forms I believe. For myself and now my granddaughter that love is for the animals.

I counsel my daughter to encourage her daughter, my granddaughter, to appreciate her love for the animals and not to feel the need to fit into the role that society has created for LOVE.

We are never alone or loveless. What we love and are passionate about companions us daily. On this Valentines Day I wish all of you Joy and Peace in the goodness of the things that you Love... and yes I love each of you.... my readers!

I am a Full of love Island Gal.........


Cloudia said…
you are my Sistah!

Warm Aloha Valentines wishes from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >
You and your granddaughter are both cut from the same cloth.
What a great message. I am so glad your granddaughter has you for a guardian angel.
Leilani Tresise said…
Thank you Cloudia!

It seems we are Fire.. =)

Thank you Don!
Nancy said…
You are absolutely right! We all have gifts and yours and your darling grandaughter's is a wonderful one!

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