It Is As It Should Be....

After work... i felt the need to go to turtle rock.... i soon knew why... this turtle has fishing line wrapped around both flippers and his head...the line had tightened and this guy could not swim.. just float.. this turtle... look at his face,was asking for help... "Okay i said Be right back.. gonna get my scissors.." swam to shore..... went in my bag .. NO SCISSORS!! OMG... i hit the beach running... my big mouth a plus at this time.. "SCISSORS or a KNIFE PLEASE!!!!"... these guys hand me a knife... the kind u use to fillet fish.. OMG! "okay lani... Do no harm" I knew I couldnt do it alone.... fate took care of it... two beautiful Brazilian men saw the turtle...then saw me coming with the knife..."Please help me" I said... and they did... one spoke no English, one spoke only a little.. I donot speak Portugese.. BUT we KNEW without the need for words what needed to be done... This turtle now swims free .... and the 3 of us, united beyound words to aide one of mother natures is as it should be.....


You have a great method for picking up guys :-)
Good for you, thank you for continuing to make this world a better place.
oh, lord!... i bet your heart was racing a mile a minute!. i bet that turtle is your friend for life...
Anonymous said…
what an adventure.

thank you very much for your all kindness. please have a good friday.
Cloudia said…
YOU are my hero!!!!!!

Warm Aloha from Waikiki-Side
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >
Somebody should award you some kind of environmental award one day. This is so awesome and the fact that the guys jumped in to help without thinking twice. I appluade you.
Leilani Tresise said…
LOLOL Don... i wouldnt know what to do with them =)

Chrissy,that turtle came back.. popped his head up out of the water and looked at the three of us.. we took it as a "Thank You".

Thank you Robert! Much Aloha to you and your country!

Thank you Cloudia!

Thankyou Fire =)... u know it feels so good doing it, thats the reward!

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