Only God Knows...

My little camera is out of service. I have thousands of pictures, so I'm gonna try to take u back with me,show you some of my favorite pictures,what i think and why they are my favorite. The pictures we take are such a good addition to our memories!

Took the above picture on the North side of the island of Oahu.....

Took the below picture on the west side of the island of Oahu....
The waters on each side of the island of Oahu are strikingly different...
The North side waters colder,murkier from river run off,while the west side waters bright,warm, blue and green, with magnificent coral heads...
so I didn't notice till just recently that these two pictures may be of the same turtle...its really hard for me to say because the pictures were taken about a year apart from each other. Wouldn't that be amazing if this turtle recognized me and my little camera? That he repeated his pose on the North side, just as he did on the west side.. gosh... u know... Only God Knows.....

I love these two pictures, they weren't planned, they were a gift from the ocean..The bottom picture , blown up much bigger, hangs in a judges chambers here on Oahu. It is a fitting place for a turtle this wise to be in an environment where wisdom is so very, very important.

I am an island gal......


Love your header photo! Its perfect... You know turtles are my favorite- this one looks like he knows you. :-)
Cloudia said…
gifts shared!


Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Leilani Tresise said…
Chrissy, he is amazing!
The second picture is a beautiful one and truly should be blown up and hanging on somebody's wall. I hope the judge looks at it every day and hopefully it takes him out into the ocean every time.
Leilani Tresise said…
Thank you Fire! From what i understand the judge is an avid outdoor and ocean person! I know you nknow from being outdoors urself what a wonderful way it is that nature clears our minds!
Crazyfox65 said…
I have the second one (turtle) on my office wall. Thanks

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