Ying and Yang.... New Waters..

A FEW DAYS before the medical spill that just trashed the little beach I call Heaven.. I found a new place to swim..

I found it by accident, which seems to be how really good things happen in this life. Its too rough to go in this little cove right now but at the crack of summer.... i WILL be in that water!

I will be sure to keep you posted... the water looks amazing even in the roughness of winter.. I am always always aware of the Ying and Yang of life.. For every good there is a bad... For every bad there is a good...

The little beach I call Heaven will have to wait while the ocean cleans her.. meanwhile, I will slip into the new waters of a beautiful beautiful place. I have a feeling this place will be called Paradise.

I am an island gal....


I love the shadow of the palm tree on the white foam of the waves.
Leilani Tresise said…
It really is a lovely place! I cant wait to see what underwater!!

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