Suspicious BBQ

I paid a visit to turtle rock... on my way to the showers to rinse off the saltwater....
my nose was assaulted with a weird BBQ smell....

I'm pretty sure a man there was cooking a turtle on his BBQ grill.
He saw me staring and covered it...

Its been a long week.... To think that some of the turtles I take pictures of are no longer alive saddens me.
Ive called every single authority I could think of. They are working to make sure it was not a turtle.
The residents who live in the Big homes on the beach where turtle rock is were horrified when i let them know what i saw and smelt.
They have hand made signs on the beach to make sure people KNOW even touching a turtle is not legal!

I really hope I was wrong..... God Bless our Ocean friends...
Thank you Queen...
Nancy,he is in deep trouble on all sides!!
Please have a good Friday.
daily athens