Just Breath Easy.

The wind in her glory was whipping up the ocean... the water was milky... i was in a safe place...

this big turtle came for me head on, like i was a shark or something... scared me silly...

I floated on the water, straight, respectful.. they passed under me... i expected to feel a crunch somewhere on my body...WHOAAAAAA, "just breath easy Lani"...

.... all was well... this was a big turtle!

I am an island gal............


Maybe he wanted to give u a hug?? lol..
Nancy said…
I think he/she was just visiting you.
just a poke to say hi but it would of freaked me out
Leilani Tresise said…
LOLOL Chrissy!

Nancy Queen Chrissy... u guys rock! lol im never really sure what they might think so i always remember i am a vistor =0D
Anonymous said…
What a joy for the senses it must have been. Please have a good new month.

daily athens
You have such a special relationship with the turtles that they probably have told each other of you. Lani the Island Gal, friend to all ocean creatures, specially dolphins and turtles.

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