Worth the Wait

I spend hour upon hour waiting for my dolphin friends to enter shallow waters.

Some times I think I have lost my mind waiting like I do.

Then days like this Monday happen and i know that my waiting has been well worth it!

i was so excited half the pod swam past me before I pulled my camera out of my suit!

LOLOL I am an island gal.....


Hey, I would wait also!... BTW, I bet u talk to them right? Have u given them any names?
Leilani Tresise said…
LOLOl Chrissy.. yup i talk a mile a minute.. LOLOL.. No havent named them but I bet they got a name for me!! "OH, there's GOOFY!" lolol... they are pure joy!
Kerry said…
Oh how beautiful and special. A lucky moment.
kostas said…
Wonderful dolphins!I love them.
Regards from Greece.
Stunning. I know some photographers who would give anything to get a pic like that second last one. Me included.
Barry said…
Wow, well worth waiting for. I could wait an hour around here and still only see old Mrs. Strakovski slowly trudging by on her way to the store.
Lori ann said…
hi leilani!
oh my gosh, this post is breathtaking, i've just gone through several of your posts and am having the same feeling over and over, INCredibLE, amAZING, bless your heart and the dolphins too. Your photos are gorgeous, you have such a gift. and how i would love to swim with you and them. here the water visabilty is not as good (at all) but i do love to meet them in my kayak. not the same at all though.
I am so glad to meet you, i am really looking forward to more time at the beach!
xx lori
Nancy said…
I cannot believe that! How utterly, unbelievably wonderful! I would be in heaven to see a pod so close. We loved our time in Maui - and you probably guessed that lava was near Hana. My husband is so enchanted with the islands, he never wants to leave.
Leilani Tresise said…
Kerry, Kostas, Fire , Barry,Lori Ann, Nancy, I wrote a comment to each of you hit the wrong button and it disappeared! My neighbors heard me scream! thank you each one for your comments! Your comments keep me going in water that is many times unforgiving! Im getting older the water says! LOLOL. Much aloha to each one of you!
Kilauea Poetry said…
I forgot to say I'm your neighbor..over on the Big Island. Also, that your header is fantastic and these images you captured are just stunning- thank you-

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