Sugar Doll !
A Human Kind of Human from her fabulous blog
Just I and Myself, has graciously given me a Sugar Doll award...

I must tell you ten things about me.

1. I am adopted.
2. My birth mothers family was from England, my birth fathers family from Java.
3. I am an island girl from generations of island people =0D
4. My birth fathers family came to the Hawaiian islands, married Hawaiians and walla here I am.
5.I can talk your ears off! =0) it is called ad nauseum..lolol

6. The only time my feet are truly happy is when there is sand underneath them!
7.Bringing home big pieces of driftwood from the ocean is one of my favorite things to do. Talk about ridiclulous, me dragging BIG trees up the beach!
8. I get so irritated when my adult children tell me to turn my radio down, stop driving so fast, and watch how deep i swim! sigh
9. I ADORE my blogger friends!

10. The Ocean is my LIFE!
I am an island gal.....
Just I and Myself, has graciously given me a Sugar Doll award...

I must tell you ten things about me.

1. I am adopted.
2. My birth mothers family was from England, my birth fathers family from Java.
3. I am an island girl from generations of island people =0D
4. My birth fathers family came to the Hawaiian islands, married Hawaiians and walla here I am.
5.I can talk your ears off! =0) it is called ad nauseum..lolol

6. The only time my feet are truly happy is when there is sand underneath them!
7.Bringing home big pieces of driftwood from the ocean is one of my favorite things to do. Talk about ridiclulous, me dragging BIG trees up the beach!
8. I get so irritated when my adult children tell me to turn my radio down, stop driving so fast, and watch how deep i swim! sigh
9. I ADORE my blogger friends!

10. The Ocean is my LIFE!
I am an island gal.....
Dive deep and keep living fully Naialani!
A Human i think we raised old people! =0D