For Myself this is Priceless.

These pictures were taken by a gentleman diver by the name of John Cooke. He has one of those cameras they shoot surf shots with. Big, long mega lens attached to the front of the camera. He took these pictures while I was swimming with the dolphins. I had no idea he was taking them.. LOLOL I wonder often why my neck is so sore when i come in from swimming with this guys. This pictures shows my head out of the water while the rest of my body is flat..LOL Talk about a kink in the neck!! These pictures for me are priceless. I never ever get to see the dolphins this way since I am in the water. Thank you John! For me these are priceless! I am an island gal...


LUCKY YOU!!!For once someone has taken a shot of you and your love...
Leilani Tresise said…
i know Chrissy! this is better than a wedding pic! LOLOL =0D
Anonymous said…
Everything rare searches for something alike.

A wonderful Tuesday for you.
Leilani Tresise said…
Wow Robert thank you! =0D
Nancy said…
They are absolutely priceless! You are one of the most fortunate people I know!
I hace goose flesh. That last picture with you in shot is priceless, I agree. Its always nice to see a pic of oneself doing what you enjoy.
Leilani Tresise said…
Thank you Nancy and Fire. I so love the people who hang out at the Ocean. We all seem to just Love each other for our passion, The Ocean!

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