Full On Craziness

Ive made up my mind..
I wont do it again. Join the masses of people on the North Shore for a BIG wave event. I was exhausted !

The waves were huge and the Ocean magnificent... but the THOUSANDS of people who showed up overwhelmed me.
Im afraid its just one of the pitfalls of being IN the water so much...

Life on land with tens of thousands of people is a WHOLE lot different than being in the Ocean with thousands of fish! LOLOL .

Crazy is a word reserved for the human race!

I am an island gal....


LOL, I know my bf did not venture out there!... I can imagine the traffic!. Maybe u should of left at the crack of dawn?
Thanks for letting me know I did the right thing. I had a choice yesterday between swimming on Maui's south shore or driving up to Jaws, I chose to swim. BTW thank you very much for voting for my blog. Mahalo
Leilani Tresise said…
Chrissy=0) I left at 4:30am! LOL.. i dont like the dark road down to the North shore makes me nervous..i drove down anyway.. It was busy when I got there! OH MY ! It stayed that way and got worse! i WAS exhausted at the end of the day.!

Don ? YOU GOT DOLPHINS!! there were MEGA pro shots of the day and those waves..... Bet you ur one of the FEW who got dolphins!!
Crazyfox said…
Are the crowds the result of more people on the island ? When we left you could still drive to North Shore and see the waves even if it took an hour once you got there. I understand now it takes much longer...so sad...
Leilani Tresise said…
Dave I have NO clue! It looked to me like a combination of 50 percent tourist and 50 percent local. i know the Eddie has only been held 8 times in 25 years. I think people didnt want to miss out on it if they called the event so they piled down there and waited. They called the event off on monday, i was there when the anouncement was made. Tues they went for it. By then people had camped out in cars ! It was nutzzz!
"Crazy is a word reserved for the human race" - so true!

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