
I live on the island of OAHU....

Right now This Huricane is headed for the island chain.... they say she will weaken by the time she hits the first island[ BIG Island of Hawaii].. lets HOPE so... you can tell people are REAL worried at work today. I will keep you posted.


robert said…
Would like to wish you all a safe passage of this storm.
I hope all goes well. Down here we don't get storms like that, so I can say I know what the feel like, but I hope she decided to take it easy on you.
Leilani Tresise said…
Robert and Fire Thank you ! Spooky stuff ! Fire, there is a reason ALL your beautiful animals live in South Africa! cant call any of those animals down your way stupid ! =0)
Good luck, hope it weakens completely.
Leilani Tresise said…
Thank you A Human ! she is getting weaker !

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