Mayumi Marks

Mayumi from Maui.. She has been swimming with dolphins for years. Her and her husband made this video. When I am feeling a little blue , this video just transports me to happy again . Thank you Mayumi for this video. It is such a gift to us all.

click on player to stop music =0)


I wish I could get the opportunity to swim with dolphins. It must be amazing and a life changing experience.
Leilani Tresise said…
It really is Fire. They carry with them joy and harmony. i have seen people just weep with joy while swimming with them. They are amazing creatures. =0)
Dave MItchell said…
Thanks Lani for sharing this excellent video. It is too late for me to swim with the dolphins, but I can fantasize what it may have been like. Boy ! do I miss Hawaii and always will. Thanks for taking me back "home" if only in my memories
Barry said…
Being a land lubber and a Canadian from the frozen north, I find it hard to believe people can go swimming with wild dolphins!

The video is excellent and certainly lifted my mood!
Leilani Tresise said…
Dave .. Hawaii misses you guys ! Barry, I know these dolphins would recognize the journey you are on! Sending love and strength ur way my beautiful friend !

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