Rainbow Moon

My boss, Roy came running into the store this morning yelling "LANI YOU GOT YOUR CAMERA??" now, if you know Roy you know he gets excited over very few things, unlike myself who hyperventilates with excitement when i awaken. Ive lived another day and it is all up hill from there,all day.!! What was he so excited about?? '

Rainbow Moon.


Anonymous said…
That is amazingly beautiful! What a shot!!
I love taking photos of the moon and of rainbows when I can find them. I have never had the pleasure to get both in the same shot. Awesome.
Leilani Tresise said…
thank you both !!! having both of you here in the comments at the same time is awesome!!! You BOTH are very special people !!
Linda S. Socha said…
Love the photos and the music. Wonderful! I hope you will stop at Psyche Connections. I love sharing following links where I feel a connection. Please let me know if have an interest?
Leilani Tresise said…
Thank you Linda.... will do !!!

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