Good Ole Days

I stopped by a beach on the West side that the locals call "TRACKS". You drive off the main highway onto the grass, park at the edge of the sand and you are there!! it is OLD Hawaii at its finest!! To the left side of the grassy edge stands a pipe 6 feet high, curved at the end, thats the shower. On the right side of the grass a bathroom built in the 60s or 70s. No fan fare, no fancy stuff just basics. I remember on the north side of the island , the beach i call home , the bay, we as kids used to have to crawl thru the bushes to get to the beach.

I dont miss crawling thru the bushes, but i do miss the simple, basic life we used to live. A good day was a day spent at the beach, swimming ,eating, and getting extremely burnt, then home to take a shower, dinner, the 3 stooges on TV , then bed , if you lasted that long !! I dont know when it became important how much money you made, what kind of car you drive or WHO decorated your home. I miss the time when living right meant telling the truth and caring about the person next to you. I miss knowing my neighbors by their first name, I miss the dogs in the neighborhood, who used to come for dinner and then go back home when you told them too. I miss the simple,basic, respect filled world i used to live in !!!!.... I am an island girl...


I value those same things and I miss them too. I am a country girl missing the open spaces of Nebraska...
Leilani Tresise said…
Nebraska !!!! Wow, open spaces, i think of beutiful places when i think Nebraska !!! Hi !! its good to meet you!!
Leilani Tresise said…
ps.s i cant spell.. sigh.. (beautiful)
Veronica said…
Hi Leilani - just found your blog and felt I had to comment about this post - you relate the story just as life used to be when I was growing up in Perth Western Australia. wonderful, wonderful days and I miss them too. It all seems such a long way away in time and space, and I'm sorry for all those kids who will never know that way of life. We might have all the cr.p of this time and place, but at least we had the pleasure of the old ways. Warm wishes to you from Suffolk, England, V xx
Hi Lelani, I agree, I agree. The very same things that I miss - those days when everybody knew what integrity meant.

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